female child 双语例句
1·In Italian bambina means a female child.
2·She is their oldest female child.
3·NEWS: How Rare are Female Child Killers?
4·One was a young female child, the second was approximately a 30-year-old male and the third was a 50-year-old female.
5·If the parents are already keen on providing education for their female child, then they can happily pay for the fare of their child too.
6·Spanish and Italian make a distinction between a male child and a female child by giving the words different endings (niño, bambino/niña, bambina).
西班牙语和意大利语则把男性儿童和女性儿童,用给词语加不同词尾后缀的办法加以区分(如,西语:niño, bambino;意大利语:niña, bambina)。
7·Article 9 Where a male person without spouse adopts a female child, the age difference between the adopter and the adoptee shall be no less than 40 years.
8·Conclusion The 10 X-chromosomal STR loci are appropriate for individual identification and paternity testing of a female child as well as for studies on related diseases.
结论此10个X染色体s TR位点有较高的个体识别率,在个体识别和女孩亲权鉴定中有较高应用价值,对疾病相关研究有重要意义。
9·Conclusion The 10 X-chromosomal STRs loci are appropriate for individual identification, for paternity testing involving a female child, and for studies on related disease.
结论此10个X染色体s TR位点有较高的个体识别率,在个体识别和女孩亲权鉴定中有较高应用价值,对疾病相关研究有重要意义。
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