backup tape 双语例句
1·From this base, you can backup the information further using whatever techniques you prefer, including copying to another machine or device, or by copying to tape or disk.
2·Regardless of perceptions, however, tape continues to play a vital role in cloud storage, cloud backup, and cloud archiving.
3·This will create an external snapshot and then perform a backup of that snapshot to a backup device such as tape.
4·The database files can be copied from disk to disk or from disk to tape, depending on the backup procedure chosen.
5·Examples include daily tape backup change procedures, checking logs, or reporting problems.
6·Data from the LHC experiments is distributed around the globe, with a primary backup recorded on tape at CERN.
7·The removable storage solution (tape, disk, or even USB) is the most reliable backup from a disaster recovery standpoint, in that the storage can be kept offsite in a different location.
8·Compared with onbar, ontape is much simpler in setting up and much easier to use; ontape does not require storage volume manager and could either use tape or disk devices for backup and restore.
9·The following command does a full backup of Linux with all ext2 and ext3 file systems to a SCSI tape device.
10·Oracle Cloud services offer triple mirrored storage and offsite tape backup.
Oracle Cloud提供的服务包括三份映像存储和离线磁带备份。