British person 双语例句
1·On being introduced to somebody, a British person often shakes.
2·On being introduced to somebody, a British person often shakes hands.
3·The study also found that the average British person does not have a clue regarding the true value of their toiletry bag.
4·Thee study also found that the average British person does not have a clue regarding the true value of their toiletry bag.
5·On average, a British person eats 50g of protein derived from meat each day - the equivalent of a chicken breast or a lamb chop.
6·No matter how small or humble the home, a British person considers the place where they live to be their own little corner of the world.
7·In this peculiar failing, and in the bashfulness with which a British person receives praise, I invite you to witness our national ambivalence to success.
8·And if a British person is offered some beer, he might say Yes, I could drink a little, or, holding out his glass, You could put a drop in there.
9·For Miss Middleton, the associations she has with the Abbey are quite simply the same as any British person would have for such a glorious and holy place.
10·It really takes time to find really good pizza in Zhuhai, however, foreign people living in Zhuhai will tell you that there is a British person in Jiding who makes really good pizza.
在珠海找到特别地道的批萨,确实要花不少时间,不过好彩,珠海的老外介绍说, 在金鼎,- 位英国人做的批萨, 绝对正宗。