drinking binge 双语例句
1·It's tempting for them to go on a drinking binge in the festival.
2·I must warn you though, whatever happens, don't let me go on a drinking binge.
3·The singer Amy Winehouse died from alcohol poisoning after a drinking binge following a period of abstinence, an inquest has heard.
4·But the core of the argument is binge drinking: Britons may not down that much overall, but when they do, some run amok, and everything from violence to serious health problems result.
5·Many people who meet diagnostic criteria for substance abuse or binge drinking do not realize they have a problem because their friends all have similar drinking patterns.
6·Men are heavier drinkers than women and are more likely to binge, but rising rates of alcohol consumption are due to women drinking more.
7·Not only are more intelligent individuals more likely to consume more alcohol more frequently, they are more likely to engage in binge drinking and to get drunk.
8·The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) asks its respondents specific questions about binge drinking and getting drunk.
9·Binge drinking was defined, for men, as six or more drinks on one occasion at least once a week and, for women, six or more drinks on one occasion at least once a month.
10·It's important to avoid binge drinking and it's better to have a small amount of alcohol regularly rather than large amounts in one go.