excellent employee 双语例句
1·Since then, Joseph has been an excellent employee.
2·Do your work habits make you an excellent employee not only to the boss but also to coworkers?
3·How often have we heard of someone who is an excellent employee but treats his or her spouse like a piece of furniture?
4·Summary:Many enterprises have experienced or are undergoing the same kind of phenomenon: excellent employee despite our detain, fly away;
5·Since then, Joseph has been an excellent employee. His talent and commitment to his job have helped to increase the company's sales by five percent.
从此以后, 约瑟夫是一名出色的员工,既聪明又勤奋肯干,在工作上,他对公司贡献良多,为公司的销售业绩比以前增加了百分之5。
6·An excellent employee should love his own work, according to the nature of the job responsibilities well, and can also study assiduously, excellence, to do more.
7·Employee benefits administration and health coverage enrollments are excellent candidates for benefiting from Web-based applications.
8·Excellent performance reviews and your reputation as an above-average employee will carry a lot of weight when the company is making staffing decisions.
9·The company has an employee team with standard management, rich experience in real operations and excellent service quality.
10·Your work may be building quality houses, being an excellent physician, teaching with passion, running a business with integrity, or being an exemplary employee.