animal product 双语例句
1·Contributes to better tasting animal product.
2·B: The only animal product I eat is eggs(?check).
3·Do take note that some products contain animal products such as eggs, milk, and honey, which also know as ovo-lacto vegetarian product.
4·Yet a cloud of controversy hangs over the issue of whether a dog can live healthfully on a vegetarian (meatless) or vegan (animal product-free) diet.
5·What I didn't expect was that after so long on this diet, the old animal product foods I used to eat just don't seem like food anymore, so there's no feeling of deprivation.
6·This is especially important for vegans, of course, who are increasingly finding that it's difficult to buy any product that isn't made with animal products in one way or another.
7·Note: : animal product prices and edibility of Holly will only take effect on items generated after the update. items that already existed before updating will still have the old prices/edilbility.
注意:动物农产品的价格和冬青的更新只会发生在更新后才生成的项目上,在更新之前就已经存在的物品仍然会是原来的状态。 。
8·This product, in particular, pursues a social responsibility as a design product. A portion of the profits from selling product will be donated to an animal preservation group.
9·Leather is the product we use that is made from specially treated animal skin.
10·This hybrid animal, the product of breeding a llama and a camel, has been the only creature of this kind since her birth in 1995.