multicolour 双语例句
1·Today, multicolour strands that celebrate the variety of tones available are also very popular.
2·Multicolour foam dyeing technique is a new development which has both effects of dyeing and printing in production.
3·The present invention relates to a duplex pocket sewing device capable of performing multicolour sewing operations and a sewing method thereof.
4·The star colours this year are valentine red, black, multicolour sunflowers and daring proposals such as yellow, different tones of green, fuchsia and orange.
5·For the production of a multicolour or white LED, emission of blue light is crucial the 2014 physics Nobel prize was awarded for the development of blue gallium nitride LEDs.
6·The stacked unit can be mounted on roll stand, universal colour unit or on similar units to make it 2 high, 3 high or 4 high configurations for multicolour printing on both sides.