give shape to 双语例句
1·Why strain to give shape to suffering?
2·Housing design is necessary not only to bring people, but also to literally give shape to the public Spaces of the city.
3·From the Renaissance to the 19th century, corset is almost being the tool to give shape to the contours of the body for female.
4·TAKAHASHI: I design the monsters to give shape to the characters' souls. I believe that even the heart-the soul, the inner essence-has a form.
5·And although at times terrifying in their aggressive scale, they also reflect the country's effort to give shape to an emerging national identity.
6·He tended to bang out chords at the end of a phrase, relying on extraneous accents to give shape to a line rather than finding its inner contour.
7·It is to everyone's loss if musicians ignore living composers and their particular powerful ability to give shape to the cacophony of modern lived experience.
8·The artists were highly skilled at using, or even enhancing, the natural shape of the cave walls to give depth and perspectives to their drawings, the sense of motion and vitality in these animals.
9·Lacking gas and dust to form new stars, their randomly swarming older stars, give them an ellipsoidal (egg-like) shape.
10·We asked them which economists were most influential over the past decade. And we asked them to give their thoughts on which economists were doing most to shape post-crisis thinking.