stays put 双语例句
1·And if he stays put, the tyrants will take succour.
2·I hop around on just one feet. I get tired-my tooth stays put!
3·Locals have taken to feeding the cat, which might be a more credible explanation for why it stays put.
4·While you're dragging, only the translucent rectangle moves-the original element stays put until the mouse button is released.
5·Unlike its mobile Cousins that forage the reef for food, this crab stays put and fishes for floating plankton with its feathery antennae.
6·Even window systems like X that were designed for use over networks have this problem — X still assumes that an application once started stays put.
7·What is less trivial is that there is a point here whereby, =0 indeed, the net forces are zero and it is not easy to achieve that, but I will try to put it there so that it, indeed, stays put.
8·The urban legend reference Web site put the kibosh on the rumor that gum stays in you for years, and medical science confirms the site's conclusion.
Urban legend引述Snopes.com的文章,终结了“口胶在身体里呆几年”的说法,医学研究也证实了网站的结论。
9·Everything stays the same regardless of the effort I put in.
10·So I put together the example in Listing 2, which has two pieces of text: one that starts small and becomes larger and larger and another that stays static.