reduce chance 双语例句
1·Coffee may reduce chance of death from heart disease.
2·Wearing a seat belt can reduce your chance of death or serious injury by more than half.
3·Mums want to know what they can do to reduce the chance of this happening to their baby.
4·These menus help reduce the chance of mistakes and promote best practices by using default values and prompting you for information specific to your cluster.
5·If we can reduce the number of relevant matches in a given situation, we increase the chance of our match being unique, and thus the whole input word can be completed for us.
6·Even women in their 20s have an increased risk of conditions such as hypertension that would reduce the chance of a healthy pregnancy and birth.
7·This will reduce the risk of HIV transmission and improve the infant's chance of survival.
8·The use of drugs and other methods to lower the body temperature of a feverish child can reduce the chance of a convulsion and subsequent epilepsy.
9·E. T. S. says it takes additional precautions, such as collecting handwriting samples to reduce the chance that students will hire someone to slip in, in their stead, after breaks.
10·From GM's point of view the short strike may even have been a blessing: the halt in production gave it a chance to reduce its stockpile of unsold vehicles.