over-the-counter medicine 双语例句
1·Can this medicine interact with other prescription and over-the-counter medicines-including herbal and dietary supplements - that I am taking now?
2·THE phrase “over-the-counter” (OTC) has different meanings in medicine and finance.
OTC (over-the-counter)在金融和医药界有不同的含义。
3·You may also want to take an over the counter medicine like Benadryl to help avoid the allergens that cause your reaction.
4·I have had hunger pains for years. Over the counter medicine, milk always stop the pain. The pain at night is something new. I feel awfully weak.
5·If you are using an over-the-counter (nonprescription) medicine, follow the directions on the label unless otherwise directed by your doctor.
6·Will they take the time to make sure you understand how to take the medicine and what over-the-counter drugs you should not take with it?
7·You can buy medicine to cure your headache over the counter at some shops.
你不用医生的处方也能有一些药房买 到 治头疼的药。