body brush 双语例句
1·Body brush: soft bristled brush, usually made of horse hair.
2·Next, with the body brush of your choice, brush in long strokes in the direction of the hair growth to further clean the coat.
3·Her body was limp, and she was in a seated position against the brush, but there was nothing underneath her. She was suspended just above the ground.
4·Both hands are simultaneously stroked with a brush until the person's mind has come to perceive the fake hand as part of their body.
5·In more than one film, Rahul has seen a man with a spade dig a cavernous grave in secluded woods, bury a body and brush leaves over the evidence, all in a single night before the sun comes up.
6·Body hygiene is vital! Remember to wear deodorant, clean your teeth, brush your hair and make sure your hands and fingernails are clean.
7·Doctors should brush up on their Shakespeare to help improve their understanding of how the mind can affect the body, according to an unusual study.
8·This brush comes with a wooden body, and rubber grip handle for ease in both bath and shower.
9·While the inside parts (the whole toothbrush toothbrush body, two brush head, a charger) neatly placed in every box inside the box, everything in good order and well arranged.
10·His moderately compact and well furred body erect ears and brush tail suggest his northern heritage.