launch project 双语例句
1·Right now I'm working on a product launch project to open up our Asian market.
2·After achieving new projects, built up the launch project team in HFL CD to support development project team.
3·In fall 2010, she helped launch a pilot project in Chicago to see if the iPad could improve working conditions and patient care.
2010年秋天,她在芝加哥帮助启动了一个试点项目,想看看 iPad 能否改善工作条件和病人的护理状况。
4·In those environments, it seems to take forever to launch a test version of the project.
5·The character for eight offers' a perfect representation of the slopes of the vineyard and commemorates the launch of our Chinese wine project, 'the chateau said in a press release.
6·The next column will launch a third Working XML project.
7·I won't stand idle though, and I will launch a new project — a SAX handler compiler — in the next column.
8·Users can import the project containing the launch configuration, making the launch configuration available for use.
9·The only reason to launch a project is to change something, and I want to know what you're going to do and what impact it's going to have.
10·Cheat sheets allow you to launch your new project wizard automatically, instead of having the user do it manually.