root nodule 双语例句
1·Root system is sturdy develop, give birth to root nodule closely, the errant bud on its root recovery capability is strong, can make root system spreads to horizontal way.
2·Vicia sativa root nodule is usually rod-shaped, it is mainly composed of many cortex cells and a very large central zone which contains meristem, infected tissue and senescent tissue.
3·Effects on mitosis and chromosomal aberrations of tobacco root tip cells were observed by the method of artificially inducing para-nodule treated with 2, 4-d and rhizobium.
通过人工诱导烟草结瘤的方法,观察给予2,4 - D、根瘤菌后,其对烟草根尖细胞有丝分裂和染色体畸变的影响。
4·Fresh root weight and nodule number of alfalfa with lime application were higher than those of the control group.
5·Belonging to the legume family, it enters a complex symbiosis with soil bacteria called rhizobia, which results in the formation of a new root organ, the nodule.
6·The effect on the root system and nodule of faba bean under different fertilizer treatments were studied with the cultivar 89-147 under farm experiment.
7·The existence of lacustrine tufa and root-shaped nodule in Badain Jaran Desert proves that the sand dunes and lakes were formed 30 ka ago, and have remained basically unchanged.