swan dive 双语例句
1·The swan dive or many others too numerous to mention.
2·Do a Swan Dive and hope you grow feathers before you hit the bottom.
3·Jim abandoned his plans for a graceful swan dive and instinctively assumed the cannonball position - known for its magnificent splash.
4·Swan dive into a standing forward bend, exhaling through your nose and placing your hands on your legs as close to your feet as you can.
5·With each swan dive, handball and feigned injury we have shuffled to the moment where the modern player thinks it is his duty to cheat, and the responsibility of the state to stop him.
6·They saw a swan and her babies swim to the other side of the lake, they saw a kingfisher dive in and scoop up a fish, and in the distance they saw a deer come to the water and drink thirstily.
他们看到了天鹅和它的孩子们游到湖的另一边,一只翠鸟俯冲入水叼起了一条鱼。 在远处他们看见一只鹿来走到湖边饮水,明显它很渴。