for the hope of 双语例句
1·For the hope of tomorrow, let us forget today's pain.
2·However, the light of disillusionment in Zhou Yilun's works is also reflecting his yearn for the hope of life.
3·I'd have the operation just for the hope of a better job, something different from a salesgirl or an online store owner, she said.
4·For this cause therefore have I called for you, to see you, and to speak with you: because that for the hope of Israel I am bound with this chain.
5·They expressed the hope that he would pursue a neutral and balanced policy for the sake of national concord.
6·He has sent his proposals in the hope of stoking up interest for the idea.
7·Scientists and engineers are beginning to study this ability of fishes in the hope of designing more efficient propulsion systems for ships.
8·Rather than merely a sign, it is the root from which we can trace back to our ancestor, the tie that helps bind us to other members of the same clan, the dignity most people hope to live for.
9·Dear Annie: I hope you and your readers have some suggestions for me, because I'm just about at the end of my rope.
10·He was a beacon of hope for the younger generation.