Pick up the pace. 双语例句
1·Let's pick up the pace.
2·We are late for banquet. Pick up the pace.
3·We didn’t want to just move forward with it—we wanted to pick up the pace.
4·Of course, there was nothing I could do to make the Numbers on the gauge pick up the pace.
5·If you've been running regularly for at least two to three months, you're ready to pick up the pace.
6·If you're crunched for time, ask other people to do specific things that will help you pick up the pace.
7·But reading faster isn't the whole picture. If you want to get more information with less time, you can't just pick up the pace.
8·Jerome: : Yes, but I wish she'd pick up the pace. She's making a lengthy speech even longer. At this rate, we'll be here until midnight!
杰罗姆:是的,但是我希望她快点。她在做一个更冗长的演讲。按照这个速度,我们将在这里待到午夜! !
9·Between eye rolls, sighs, and repeated glances at wall clocks, a majority of Americans are reporting that the nation badly needs to pick up the pace.
10·With commodity prices now recovering and confidence returning, China is in a more solid position than Africa's traditional partners to pick up the pace.