inverse distance 双语例句
1·Still trying different interpolation methods, such as Inverse Distance, RBF, Spline etc.
2·The result of cross inspection shows that improved inverse distance weighting method is better than the traditional one.
3·Using the areal weighting interpolation and inverse distance weighted averaging, a spatial distribution model of GDP is established in this paper.
4·The study selects some representative methods of estimation in spatial variables as objects, including Inverse Distance Weighting in the traditional space estimation;
5·Based on the natural flow character of groundwater and the principle of flow simulation, a digital watertable model was built by the method of inverse distance weights in the GIS environment.
6·The tension grew in inverse proportion to the distance from their final destination.
7·The intensity of thermal radiation decreases only as the inverse square of the distance from a nuclear detonation, while blast, shock, and prompt ionizing radiation effects decrease more rapidly.
8·The score of an entity was incremented proportionally to the inverse of the distance to the viewer, and would be reset when sending the state to the viewer client.
9·The increased distance is in inverse proportion to the content of montmorillonite in nylon 6 matrix.
撑开的距离和蒙脱土在尼龙6 基体中的含量成反比。
10·As a relatively new branch in the inverse optimization area, inverse network optimization problems under Hamming distance have been shown to be theoretically interesting and practically useful.