change opinion 双语例句
1·Opinion polls indicated a feeling among the public that it was time for a change.
2·The town, in her opinion, has borne its change with dignity.
3·This change in elite opinion has something to do with the lack of conclusive academic evidence that the past decade’s influx has been the economic boon it was cracked up to be.
4·This book effected a change in my opinion.
5·Spokesman McCormack said the pending intelligence briefing is unlikely to change the opinion of the six party accord's most ardent critics.
6·One would consequently expect to observe such opinion change after a person has been forced or induced to say something contrary to his private opinion.
7·Rémi Gruet, regulatory adviser to the European Wind Energy Association, said: Science and public opinion are pointing in the same direction: more action on climate change.
8·The last part of your speech to prepare is the conclusion. The conclusion of a persuasive speech should remind the audience why they should change a belief, opinion, or behavior.
9·An abrupt change in the opinion of 10-12% of the electorate can in principle have big consequences, says William Galston, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution in Washington.
10·Southern Weekly: Fighting climate change nearly fights everything on the planet. In your opinion, does it generate more equity or the opposite?