climate scientist 双语例句
1·Ten years ago, when the science on the climate issue was first increasing, the influences could be seen as an issue for future generations (子孙后代), Katharine, a climate scientist, told The New York Times.
2·Stephen Schneider, climate scientist, died on July 19th, aged 65.
3·Today, a climate scientist in the U. K. responds to critics of computer modeling.
4·Drew Shindell is a climate scientist with the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.
5·Climate scientist can estimate how much of the remaining fossil fuels we can safely burn.
6·Now a climate scientist armed with data might argue that worldviews should be trumped by facts.
7·When you look at what's happened in March this year, it's beyond unbelievable, said University of Victoria climate scientist Andrew Weaver.
8·The humanity has discharged the massive coal smokes, the dust as well as other molecules to the lower atmosphere, the climate scientist is called the human volcano.
9·Ken Caldeira, a climate scientist at Stanford University's Carnegie Institution, has estimated that the total energy contained in wind is 100 times the amount needed by everyone on the planet.
10·Story, climate scientist Jack Hall (Dennis Quaid plays) in the observation study prehistoric climate that will lead to global warming caused by greenhouse effect the Earth unprecedented disaster. Dr.