loop back 双语例句
1·After you have the activities you can then loop back and fill in more details.
2·Hybrid Mode installs applications to a partition or loop back file in a traditional one file tree way.
3·Loop Back lacing looks best on shoes with thick, round LACES, especially light coloured LACES on dark coloured shoes.
4·Her recollections meander and loop back, interrupted only by distressing questions that no one is left to answer Did I get this all wrong?
5·A key concept to remember is that you can loop back through the steps at any stage to incorporate variables that were added later or that you were unaware of.
6·Like a combination of Loop Back and Knotted Lacing, the LACES are twisted together with a vertical overhand knot at each crossover before continuing to the other side.
7·The characters which you see should appear back in the terminal window... Congratulations, you have just made a loop back cable, and you have got the pin assignments correct.
8·In this paper we propose a de-pipelining algorithm which converts the optimized assembly code of a software-pipelined loop back to a semantically equivalent sequential counterpart.
9·So what I wanted to do is loop back, at least with a couple of things that we see recurring and very understandably so, but let's try to clear up a couple of frequently occurring issues.
10·Then, each pass of the main loop checks for events, resets the draw state, draws the circular portal windows, then animates their distortion back to the current time frame.