charity benefit 双语例句
1·You may be going to a wedding, reunion, charity benefit, or even a business-related event, but whatever it is, it has a luxurious, pampering feel to it.
2·If you find you are not invited to a special event near the full moon, such as a charity benefit, wedding, birthday party, or other festive event, you might want to use this weekend for a quick trip.
3·Get rid of anything you no longer use, listen to, watch or wear, pass it on to friends or relatives or donate to charity and let someone else benefit from it.
4·By 2007, Taylor's movie career had dried up, but she gave a one-off performance in AR Gurney's Love Letters, to benefit her Aids charity.
5·A.I.Krakauer quotes a memo from a lawyer at the firm Copilevitz & Canter, who examined C.A.I.’s tax return and warned that the I.R.S. could cite Mortenson for receiving excess benefit from a charity.
科莱考尔在文章中还引用了一位Copilevitz & Canter公司律师的备忘录,这位律师在检查过中亚协会的纳税申报单之后,曾警告说美国国税局可能会以利用慈善非法敛财的罪名传讯摩顿森。
6·Allow the charity to keep all the proceeds, while you benefit from the increased traffic.
7·In this way, we would ensure that people living in poverty can enjoy the benefit of charity.
8·Even if you are participating in a charity for altruistic reasons, there s no reason why you should not benefit from the resulting positive exposure. Here are some ideas to maximize your exposure.
9·Charity Weight Concern said improving the health of workers would also benefit employers' bottom lines.
Weight Concern慈善机构表示,改善员工身体健康也能为雇主节约开支。
10·An event, usually for the benefit of a charity or public institution, including entertainment and the sale of goods; a bazaar.