one-offs 双语例句
1·Our survey revealed that these allergies were mainly one-offs.
2·Prototype parts tend to be very expensive to make as one-offs by conventional means.
3·One-offs allow you to learn while also giving you the freedom to pursue other opportunities as soon as each assignment is completed.
4·We are in an ecosystem of service providers with existing functionality that is often brittle and developed ad-hoc: connections may often be one-offs.
5·Many of the albums included here are testaments to the art and craft of personalised book-making, one-offs that seem almost anachronistic in the age of the download and the hard drive.
6·This situation brings to light one of the more common trade-offs in computing: speed versus memory.
7·One of the secrets of success for mapping objects to relational databases is to understand both paradigms and their differences, and then make intelligent trade-offs based on that knowledge.
8·Each of these systems has its trade-offs, but generally the compaction phase is an expensive one in terms of time and effort.
9·CEO So when you are the CEO and you walk through the company, people are only thinking one thing: well, there have been three lay-offs.
10·Thinking of potential spin-offs, Vernon suggested to Huq that he put one of the cantilevers in a liquid to see what happened.