parenting group 双语例句
1·It doesn't have to involve spending a lot of money or time, or joining a parenting group.
2·Sally Russell, the founder of the parenting group Netmums, said Hirst's action is offensive to parents of the infant.
3·Probably not, said Justine Roberts, the co-founder of online parenting group Mumsnet. My gut reaction is that parents would worry about them distracting lessons.
“恐怕不会的”,在线育儿组织Mumsnet的共同创办人Justine Roberts说道,“我的本能反应就是家长们会担心孩子们上课不认真听讲。”
4·Olivia took the top spot from Grace, made famous by Hollywood screen star Grace Kelly, which slipped back to third place, the poll by Internet parenting group Bounty showed.
5·McHugh, founder of Parents Coach Kids, a group that teaches parenting skills, sent the mom the test results.
6·Another study found that fathers in a Tanzanian group known for involved parenting had low testosterone, while those from a neighboring culture without active fathering did not.
7·Group guidance for effective parenting can make a positive change on rearing attitude and improve the child-parent relationship.