cause disorder 双语例句
1·They would be unfamiliar with everything, and wouldn't that cause disorder?
2·If don't eat breakfast habit, for a long time may cause disorder of gastrocolic reflex action, then produce constipation.
3·The four main pathological factors that cause disorder of dynamic balance are: adhesion, cicatrix, contracture, and block.
4·It suggested that fluoride could cause disorder of serum zinc balance and antagonism did occur during Kangfulin adminiatration.
5·Conflict to cause disorder, I will carry out the relevant communication to resolve conflicts, and about their own behavior or attitude adjustment.
6·The Violet Citadel does not support the Scarlet Crusade openly, but accept their movements and operations as long as they continue to cause disorder among the undead.
7·Conclusion HP infection might cause disorder in the lipid metabolism. The possible mechanism might be that the HP infection can suppress activity and secretion of lipoprotein lipase.
8·This may cause stomach upset, ulcers, headache, backache, high blood pressure, and in severe cases, this can lead to panic attacks or a panic disorder.
9·SATAN has done more to alert people to the risks than cause new disorder.
10·Fake commodities cause unfair competition in the market economy and put the whole society in disorder.