hayashi 双语例句
1·Still, Mr. Hayashi had no word of his family's whereabouts.
2·Hayashi revealed that she did it all with a professional camera and self-timer.
3·The advantage of silkworms is that they're easy to grow, Dr. Hayashi said.
4·Mr. Hayashi said he and others might have been lured into a false sense of security.
5·But the top court said that the circumstantial evidence proves beyond doubt that Hayashi is guilty.
6·Hayashi apparently wasn't so concerned with such grandiose thinking when he pitched the idea in 2007.
Hayashi 2007年在推销这个创意的时候显然不关心这个想法是否浮夸。
7·Life has been fun, and I want to keep on having fun, Ms. Hayashi said, placing a tiara in her hair.
8·Mr. Hayashi went into the center, parking alongside several hundred other cars on the school's sports grounds.
9·During this period of time, when was cumulate the scrap, Mr Hayashi managed this issue (till spring of 2008).
10·No performances. It basically consists of a chorus, the Hayashi flute , the Tsuzumi drum, and other instruments.