investigate matter 双语例句
1·The Prime Minister will set up a committee to investigate the matter.
2·When IBM was notified of GSIS's concerns last year, we took immediate action to thoroughly investigate the matter and found there were no irregularities in the way we conducted our business.
3·But now his testimony has been challenged and a British parliamentarian says it's a matter for the police to investigate.
4·In the late 1800s in Trieste, Italy, a medical student named Sigmund Freud was assigned to investigate the testes of the male eel, postulated to be loops of white matter festooning the body cavity.
5·Files in this program, primarily through interviews with reporters on host-based information to investigate the matter and the audience step by step guide to explore the truth.
6·The police are coming to investigate this matter.
7·You tell me in the same breath that it is useless to investigate the matter, and that you desire me to do it.
8·Antonidas: it's a strong possibility. That's why I need you to travel there and investigate the matter. I've arranged for a special envoy to assist you.
9·Each Member should, after consulting with representative shipowners' and seafarers' organizations, have procedures to investigate complaints relating to any matter contained in this Guideline.
10·To investigate concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in Ambient particulate matter and their mutagenic activities in an Industrial Area of Northeastern China.