poor neighbourhood 双语例句
1·Mr Lugo declared the success at a rally in a poor neighbourhood of Asunción, the capital.
Fernando Lugo在首都亚松森贫困郊区的公众集会上宣布了这一胜利。
2·The clinic itself sits in a poor neighbourhood where few employees live, preferring to drive in from the suburbs.
3·The telltale signs include explanatory notes or phone calls, or the fact that a posh car was torched in a poor neighbourhood.
4·FOR the past year the pupils of Escuela 95, in a poor neighbourhood of Montevideo, have had a new learning tool. Each has been issued with a laptop computer.
去年,首都蒙特维多邻近穷镇escuela 95的小学生拥有了最新的学习工具,每人配发一台笔记型计算机。
5·If you live in such a neighbourhood, the only time you might hear anything about a poor part of the city is on television or in the papers, which unsurprisingly tend to highlight the gruesome bits.